Saturday, March 30, 2019

Friday, March 29, 2019

Utopia (2013-14)

Exploits extreme violence and quirky aesthetics to distract from its essential hollowness.

The dissonance between its savagery and shallow characters—like dumping a bucket of pig's blood on a sidewalk chalk drawing—is very reminiscent of contemporary comics.

Dennis Kelly discovered that one person forcing another to do something they don't want to do on pain of death or torture or watching someone they love suffer makes for drama and so, wanting as much drama as he could possibly get, decided to create an entire show of nothing else. Similar to another dumb show, House of Cards, which consisted exclusively of betrayals. You have to betray someone to get your morning coffee in the House of Cards universe. In the Utopia universe, you must threaten to rape someone's wife in front of them to get them to give you the employee discount.

Stupid fucking male auteurs.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan

Homeland with a scooch less sophistication.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

You Were Never Really Here

Woke Travis Bickle takes on Pizzagate.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Triple Frontier

Imperial supergrunts at play in the violent hinterlands with a local woman's life as stakes, all Prisoner of the Caucasus style.

Thursday, March 14, 2019



Ralph Breaks the Internet

Horrifying dystopia of end-stage corporate colonization of the online space—and, with it, every aspect of US culture, until our models of empowerment, of adventure, of beauty are sterile plastic molds endowed with exactly enough "personality" to maximize profit.

'"Curmudgeon"? No, why do you ask?'

Good bit, at least you have complexity.